Tuesday 16 November 2010


Today I created my final CD cover with an insert including the lyrics of the song + screenshot images from the video. We were given an introduction to Photoshop and given some tips on quick prompts to use with the software. We edited an image of a Japanese Geisha using different tools - such as the magic wand tool to crop the image  - and learnt about using layers to create an advanced looking piece of work.
After the refresher course on the software we then set to work on our CD covers. I took the image below and upped the contrast and lowered the brightness to create my desired look for the cover.                                                                                                                                              

 I then took another image of a sparkler I had, which shows the sparkler in motion creating a curve, and I manipulated the image into letters. I started off trying to find a suitable font for the cover but none really stood out and actually looked right alongside the image. I wanted something that stood alongside the image without overtaking the audience's attention but still interlinking with it. 

I then used the same image from the cover on the back, but a close-up instead and added in the song titles
 I also added small print in the corner which says the name of the band's myspace site, the production company (my name) and tells you that it is "manufactured and distributed in the UK. all rights reserved". I was inspired to put this text in the corner having researched the back of some other CD covers; I tried to make it as realistic as possible.
 I then worked on my magazine advert that I intended to be very similar to the cover of the magazine as I felt the look of them both was important to interlink as the purpose of the advert is to make the audience want to purchase the CD, and also so the audience could identify that one went alongside the other and make the CD easily identifiable if it were to be sold in shops.
I used the image of Ali - the robot girl - from my video  and edited it , changing the lighting to make it darker and erasing edges so it would fit just below the sparkler; as if she is looking up at it. Not only does this draw the audience's attention to the sparkler - as they follow her eyeline - but it also makes the advert fit with the video.
 Within the advert I have tried to use all elements that I have seen from my research into music adverts inside and outside of my lessons.  
I used the quotes I mentioned yesterday to grasp the viewers attention and to support the authenticity of how good the music and band are. 
 I also included information on where the music is available from and the date it is available to be purchased.  
I then  worked on my CD cover insert. This includes some images from the music video and the lyrics of the song Electric Shocks. I also placed some mini sparkler images to tie it in with the cover and back. I used a black background as it merged with the images to make them appear as if they fade into the background, and also white font as it stands out on the black background. I wanted it to all be black and white so it links with the cover with the only colour coming from the sparklers - giving them emphasis as they represent the shocks mentioned in the lyrics. I used different sized fonts to put emphasis on different words in the song, giving it an onomatopoeaic feel and also to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the target audience who might like to see something more quirky to fit with the quirkyness of the video.

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