Thursday 21 October 2010


Unfortunately, even though my cast - both Ben & Ali - turned up for filming today, we were not aware however that there would be a market when we were filming. For the sake of continuity, we have decided to film on another day when the market is not there.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


After a week of filming my robot girl main character and the boy she discovers in town, I have started on editing the video sorting out transitions and trimming the clips to the correct timings. I have tried to make my final video as close to the storyboard as possible.

Thursday 14 October 2010


Today I filmed Ali in her room for the introduction of my music video. This part is where she wakes up and gets dressed into several costumes before adding on her robot head prop. This part of the video takes inspiration from Lady Gaga's Telephone video which I previously researched - I particularly liked the use of jumps and transitions and thought they added to create a great effect that fit the plot and lyrics. Within my video I will use this idea but as Ali is waking up, where she sits up I will use a jump shot that shows a relationship between the visual and lyrics spoken "electric shocks"  amplifying the meaning so it represents a jump or shock sensation that you feel when this happens.


 These images show me filming on a digital camera, which I chose because of its high quality as it is a HD camera of footage and ease of use. 

Tuesday 12 October 2010


Today I started filming as on the schedule; with the help of Ali Smart playing my Robot Girl character. I filmed her running past the gate of a church yard and up to the school. I chose to do this part first as they are quite short shots but actually make up a lot of the video; there needs to be a lot of shots of her running to create the sequence and keep the pace of the video flowing well alongside the pace of the music. I took a lot from the side angle keeping the directly shoteyeline with the robot girl to maintain the connection with the audience. It was very bright and sunny outside and I wanted to capture her running into the sunlight where there was a slight lens flare.

The props we used were the cardboard box, silver robot head; which was slightly annoying for Ali to run in, but we overcame this problem as she held it as she ran. The costume I asked her to wear was a black top, black tights and boots and a cute grey netting skirt. The reason I chose these particular items were that they aren't too over the top, the netting skirt adds femininity to her character against the quite rugged and boyish boots. The boots are very military style which combines with the idea that a robot is similarly very military in the way it moves and that it is programmed to do things. I also felt the masculinity was important to keep prominant in the genre as Indie is a very masculine dominated genre and we do not have the masculine presence of the band.

Monday 11 October 2010


I have started thinking of initial ideas for images for my CD cover. I am still unsure about how the font of the title will look so I have just mainly focused on the image. I am trying to link the image to the song and the band; my first image is of a 'beware of electrocution' sign where I have drawn a robot in the place of a man. I chose to do this because it fits with the title of the song - Electric Shocks - and is an easily recognisable image with the added twist of the robot that interlinks with the video of the robot girl and the band's name Robot Disaster.

My second image is of the lead singer with a sparkler which I don't like as much as the first idea because although it interlinks with the video where I will have sparklers used in a dancing sequence of shots, I don't think it represents the band well or the song. However the sparkler links well with the video and uses mise-en-scene as representation of the song title.
I spoke to my teacher about these ideas and he suggested that I could use sparklers in images inside the cover sleeve. I am considering taking video stills from the dancing sequence or taking photos after filming the dancing sequence that could be used as he suggested.
 I also have been inspired by this image of Fox Base Alpha's cover for the album Saint Etienne.

I like the idea of someone holding the electric shocks sign I have created, so I have drawn some ways in which the sign could be incorporated within a picture rather than just a picture of it.
These two images of how the sign could be incorporated within an image on the CD cover I am pleased with and think I will show to my target audience and the band as I think both would look equally good on the CD sleeve.  In the first image I have used the sign as an embroidery patch that has been sewn onto G-Star's shirt. The canted angle of the photo suggests anonymity and "coolness" as the camera would be shot from quite a low angle suggesting he represents people of a higher status and appearing as if he is more important than the viewer of the image. The patch works well as it becomes part of his costume and not just a prop. By being something that he wears it makes the symbol become subtle and a part of his identity. In the second I have used the sign in a similar way to Fox Base Alpha but I have kept the sign to being triangular. My other idea does not use people though it is merely just mise-en-scene and use of the setting as the image. It shows the sign on a fence. I was inspired by a part of the Lady Gaga Telephone music video I analysed in my preliminery research.


I have finalized my storyboard for my music video, the song is approx 3 minutes 40 seconds long and within my storyboard I have put above each picture the approximate timing of the shot - and lyrics if there are any, the type of shot and the angle of the shot as well. Then below I have briefly explained what is happening in the shot and explanations for my choices of shot and the effects I aim to achieve.

The narrative of my storyboard is as follows:
My girl character is seen asleep in bed, with a panning camera shot that leads to a close-up of her face. As soon as the lead singer says "Friday nights" her eyes open suddenly and she sits up - shown as a jump shot - on "Electric shocks".  I have used these fast actions not only because they fit with the pace of the song but also to show her in a supernatural kind of way - as if she is "superhuman" and unreal.
We then see some more jump shots as she is changing, getting ready for school, trying on different outfits. We never see her put them on but the impression is that she is changing as if by magic with each different pose she makes in front of the camera which she treats like a mirror as we start to see close-ups montaged with medium long shots whilst she puts on her jewellery and ruffles her hair.
We then see her come down the stairs and as she opens her front door - again a close-up shot chosen to concentrate the audience's attention on the jump shot used to create the effect of an electric shock which she receives as she touches the door handle.