Monday 11 October 2010


I have started thinking of initial ideas for images for my CD cover. I am still unsure about how the font of the title will look so I have just mainly focused on the image. I am trying to link the image to the song and the band; my first image is of a 'beware of electrocution' sign where I have drawn a robot in the place of a man. I chose to do this because it fits with the title of the song - Electric Shocks - and is an easily recognisable image with the added twist of the robot that interlinks with the video of the robot girl and the band's name Robot Disaster.

My second image is of the lead singer with a sparkler which I don't like as much as the first idea because although it interlinks with the video where I will have sparklers used in a dancing sequence of shots, I don't think it represents the band well or the song. However the sparkler links well with the video and uses mise-en-scene as representation of the song title.
I spoke to my teacher about these ideas and he suggested that I could use sparklers in images inside the cover sleeve. I am considering taking video stills from the dancing sequence or taking photos after filming the dancing sequence that could be used as he suggested.
 I also have been inspired by this image of Fox Base Alpha's cover for the album Saint Etienne.

I like the idea of someone holding the electric shocks sign I have created, so I have drawn some ways in which the sign could be incorporated within a picture rather than just a picture of it.
These two images of how the sign could be incorporated within an image on the CD cover I am pleased with and think I will show to my target audience and the band as I think both would look equally good on the CD sleeve.  In the first image I have used the sign as an embroidery patch that has been sewn onto G-Star's shirt. The canted angle of the photo suggests anonymity and "coolness" as the camera would be shot from quite a low angle suggesting he represents people of a higher status and appearing as if he is more important than the viewer of the image. The patch works well as it becomes part of his costume and not just a prop. By being something that he wears it makes the symbol become subtle and a part of his identity. In the second I have used the sign in a similar way to Fox Base Alpha but I have kept the sign to being triangular. My other idea does not use people though it is merely just mise-en-scene and use of the setting as the image. It shows the sign on a fence. I was inspired by a part of the Lady Gaga Telephone music video I analysed in my preliminery research.

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