Monday 11 October 2010


I have finalized my storyboard for my music video, the song is approx 3 minutes 40 seconds long and within my storyboard I have put above each picture the approximate timing of the shot - and lyrics if there are any, the type of shot and the angle of the shot as well. Then below I have briefly explained what is happening in the shot and explanations for my choices of shot and the effects I aim to achieve.

The narrative of my storyboard is as follows:
My girl character is seen asleep in bed, with a panning camera shot that leads to a close-up of her face. As soon as the lead singer says "Friday nights" her eyes open suddenly and she sits up - shown as a jump shot - on "Electric shocks".  I have used these fast actions not only because they fit with the pace of the song but also to show her in a supernatural kind of way - as if she is "superhuman" and unreal.
We then see some more jump shots as she is changing, getting ready for school, trying on different outfits. We never see her put them on but the impression is that she is changing as if by magic with each different pose she makes in front of the camera which she treats like a mirror as we start to see close-ups montaged with medium long shots whilst she puts on her jewellery and ruffles her hair.
We then see her come down the stairs and as she opens her front door - again a close-up shot chosen to concentrate the audience's attention on the jump shot used to create the effect of an electric shock which she receives as she touches the door handle.

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