Thursday 2 December 2010


What have you learned from your audience feedback?                                                           

Getting feedback from your target audience is essential; for me it gave me a chance to explore the generic conventions of the Indie genre I chose for my project. From asking my target audience about the representation of the genre and assessing whether the video and ancillary texts fit their purpose and appeal to my target audience I have found that they felt it did appeal to them and they liked its unconventional nature and enjoyed watching it.
Throughout the process I tried to gain feedback as it gave me a chance to look at my product from someone else's perspective and ensure it was still fitting to their expectations of the video.
Preliminary feedback I gained was in the form of a questionnaire, which I used to gain initial ideas of what I should be aiming to create during the storyboarding process.

I showed the feedback I gained in the form of pie charts and using a graphics website called Wordle. These visuals gave me the chance to see a range of answers and analyse the information given in order to create something appealing.
I also filmed interviews with members of my target audience during the editing process to see what their expectations were having seen a glimpse of it, and if there was anything that needed fixing to make it suitable for the genre and audience
When I had finished editing the music video and creating the ancillary texts I filmed interviews with my target audience again, wanting to find out if I had created what they had expected and to know if it fit with the indie genre.

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