Wednesday 8 December 2010


I have now finished my music video :)

Here is a link to get to the video via:

I have also taken the time to get feedback from my target audience on the finished product.


Did you think that the video met your expectations as a target audience member?

Yes I did, I thought it was very appealing and it was what I expected from this genre.

I thought it was good, it had a really good storyline and used a lot of great effects in it.

Yes, it was what I like to see from a video, lots of dancing! I liked the romance between the main character and I thought her costume was cool.

Did it fit the Indie genre?

I think it did as it was quite fast paced and it had a quirky story to it.

It wasn't very obvious what genre it was just looking at the video but I think because of the music you could tell.

I thought it looked quite Indie or maybe techno? But mainly because of the use of the robot made it look kind of techno.

What did the video tell you about the band?

I think they are probably quite humourous guys when you see the sped up parts and the use of animation, from their music I can tell their lyrics have real meaning because of the use of the narrative.

I think they are very lively onstage from all the use of sped up sections and jumpy changes of shots. I would also say they are quite unique as everything in the video was quite unexpected.

They are probably quite funny and outrageous, the way the girl is just stood there with all the people walking past not even caring what she looks like.

What could have been improved in the video?

Maybe some of the editing was a bit funny in places, especially the end. The song ended but the video carried on. I couldn't tell if this was supposed to happen.

I thought some of the sped up bits were unneccessary but I understood why they were used. I also didn't completely understand the neccessity of the dancer.

I thought it was all good really, maybe from the very beginning she could have worn her box head? Because she didn't have it on at the beginning which was a bit weird.

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