Friday 3 December 2010


How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

Within the research planning that I did for this project, I initially researched into the indie genre using Wikipedia and Youtube to find out more about the genre I was working with. I also used Myspace to reasearch Robot Disaster and to look at the sort of music videos they had used for past songs. Using Youtube was helpful for my research as I was able to use it to analyse music videos from Indie and other genres of music which I used to inspire my final product.
For my magazine advert and CD cover, the research I did was very similar, I used Google search engine to help me find existing adverts and covers to analyse, I also looked in Q magazine and through my own collection of CDs for inspiration.
 In the construction stages of creating my music video I used a still camera to get photos of me filming Ali as evidence of the work I have done. I used a digital camera with a movie setting to film my videos as I found this easy to work with on a tri-pod and when hand-held . I then edited the music video using iMovie and Windows Movie Maker to give certain effects I wanted to acheive that were accessible through both programmes.
Within creating my magazine advert and CD cover, I used a still SLR camera to take the images of the sparklers and I used print screen shots from the video to interlink the video and CD together. I then used Photoshop to edit my work, to add text and develop the images into the products I have created.
Within the evaluation stages I used a video camera to interview my target audience to get their final feedback on my finished video, I also used Youtube to upload all of my videos (feedback and final product) to enable them to be accessed on my blog. I used my blog to answer the evaluation questions and to evaluate the success of my finished products.

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