Monday 27 September 2010

Target Audience Research Feedback

 These are the results of my feedback - the answers for multiple choice questions only as the other questions varied in answers so they have been shown in the picture I made using Wordle. These results show the answers from a random group of 10 teenagers - my target audience. 

* (second question in the lilac coloured option should be Pop music but for some reason isn't in the list.) From these results I can see that a large majority of the people surveyed listen to Pop music and do take notice of music videos.

With these other multiple choice questions we see the most popular reason why people watch music videos is when nothing else is on - it is important that videos have a lot going on in respects to the colours/costumes/narrative as people's attentions are instantly grasped by excitement and wanting to see the end. A music video should be like watching a mini film and this is what I intend to create. From the above results I see that it is also important to have dancing so I could work something into this as I know a few dancers. The least important thing seems to be seeing the band perform so I might not have to include that in the video at all.
As for the last question where I asked people to submit ideas, a lot of people said that my ideas were good but some people suggested the use of humour and cliches which would suit the narrative of the video. I agree with this and will refer to this suggestion later when making my storyboard.

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