Thursday 9 September 2010

the band.

"ROBOT DISASTER represents the musical hopes and dreams of 4 young boys from across the UK and 1 from Italy. We aim to fight our way into your hometowns and headphones with tales of people and parties told through words and song." - taken from

Our prelimenary task for Media is to create a music video for a band of our choice (my band is called Robot Disaster and are an unsigned band living in the UK). We must also create a CD Cover to go alongside the music video and a CD advert for a magazine.
The song I have been given permission to use is one of their newest songs called Electric Shocks which is a really upbeat track. You can listen to the track on the band's Myspace page:

 I met the band at a gig just over a year back and I am in contact with the lead singer G-Star. I will be keeping them up to date with the progress of the project and asking for their opinions to help with my choices in how I portray their music in the video.

I am working alone with the challenge to create a music video, a CD cover and a magazine advert for the CD. I'm looking forward to working alone as I have a lot of my own ideas but I will balance this out by getting feedback from my teachers and other students in my class and that are involved in the process to get another view on my work, so it still is meeting what will appeal to my target audience.

I have chosen teenagers aged around 16 - 19. This is avery small age group that I have chosen but my reason for this is that this is the age of teenagers who are in sixth form/college and want to be 'cool' by seeing all the latest and newest unsigned bands at gigs and clubs around Bristol. Therefore these are the people that the band are trying to appeal to and I need to do the same.

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