Monday 13 September 2010

Target Market Questionnaire

I created a questionnaire to give to my target audience to find out what they would expect from the music video. My target audience are teenagers from 16 - 25 years old. I chose this target audience as they are a popular choice of consumer as they tend to spend the most on music that is in the charts and I think they would be interested in the genre of music I am looking at (Indie).

For my A2 level project, my task is to create a music video. I would appreciate your ideas and input on what I could include in the video :)
1. Please circle your age…
16             17              18               19
2. What is your favourite genre of music? (Please circle)
Pop Rock Classical R+B Hip-Hop
Indie Rap Jazz Dance Soul
Other (please state) ____________________

3. Do you watch music videos? (Please circle)
Yes               No
4. How often would you say you watch music videos? (Please circle)


Only when flipping through channels

Whenever there is nothing else on


5. Is there a music video that you really like / that is really memorable? If so please state the artist/band and the song…
Yes                      No
Artist/Band ___________________________________

Song _________________________________________

6. What aspects of the video specified attracted you? (Only if answered Yes)
Seeing the band performing                                Seeing a narrative/story
The mise-en-scene/ props used                Dancing               Colours

Costume                   Other(please state) ________________________________

My video is for a band called Robot Disaster.
7. What comes to mind when you hear the band’s name? (Please be more imaginative than “robot” thank you! :P)

The track is called Electric Shocks.

8. What comes to mind when you hear the name of the song?


My idea for the video is that a ‘robot girl’ is conforming to a robotic life and breaks free and falls in love.

9. What images would you expect to see, having heard this idea?



10. What would you expect the robot girl to wear/ look like?


11. What effect would you expect the music video to have on you as a viewer? (Please circle)

Excitement                    Poignancy                A desire to purchase the song
Aggression/Negative                               Happiness/Positive
To portray the point of the song
Other __________________________________________

12. Do you like the idea proposed for the video? (Please circle)

Yes       No

13. If answered No, please state what is wrong with the concept proposed…




14. What ideas (if any) could you put forward to appear in the music video?

Thank you for your time in filling out this questionnaire :)

Anastasia Gaylard-Hughes

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