Tuesday 14 September 2010

Music Video Analysis 3

Goodbye Mr A - The Hoosiers

The music video begins with this animated shot from a very low angle, I am guessing it is looking up at the sky above all the skyscraping buildings in a city with a big light showing the letter H - referring to The Hoosiers band name and also using intertextual refences linking to the Batman comic book series, where a light like this is used to alert the comic hero that Gotham City needs his help.
Within the Hoosiers video they use a lot of animation techniques referencing towards comic books, using large onomatopoeiaic words which are commonly found within this genre of book.

Portraying themselves as superheroes also tells us a lot about the band themselves as in reality they look quite geeky and do not look the conventional stereotype of a 'superhero'. This shows they have a sense of humour as they are poking fun at themselves.

Within the video they also use the voyeuristic perception of women as being "tropheys", during a scene where they are receiving praise from the mayor we see a two shot of two blonde, pretty girls leaning forwards with autograph books. They are stereotypical representations of the fan girls that would be swooning over the superheroes and the band have used them to demonstrate this.

The band use stereotypical scenes from superhero films such as Superman where Superman is "flying" across the screen and where the newspaper the Daily Planet spins onto the screen producing headlines that link with the plot of the episode.

The Hoosiers also use postmodern references through mise-en-scene such as in the image above, a little sign that says "Hoosier Gonna Call?" referring to the famous slogan from the 1984 film Ghostbusters "Who You Gonna Call?"
 Again in the image above we see a possible intertextual reference to the film Toy Story where Sid straps Buzz Lightyear to a rocket.


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