Sunday 12 September 2010

CD Sleeve Analysis 1


Genre: Katy Perry's music style is very pop/electro pop - a very mainstream music genre you can dance to and is always in the charts.
Generic Conventions: Pop music is generally "up-beat" and "happy" and this is conveyed by her lyrical choice and the colours / font on the cover of the CD. Usually pop is also quite cheesy but I would say that this cover is very "tongue-in-cheek" with the sex appeal given from Katy's lack of clothing and position on the candy floss cloud.
Connotations: Clothing - As Katy is not wearing clothes we assume she is a very confident woman who is fine showing off her body and is aware of her sexuality. We also can see that part of the candyfloss covers her bum and her position hides a lot of her body showing that although confident, she is also modest and respects her body enough to not put it all on display. This links in with the title of her album, the naughty aspect of a teenage dream being quite sexy and the feeling of no boundaries / pushing the boundaries as a teenager.
Colour - The colours used are very feminine, both pink and red. Pink is a very "girly" colour and red usually connotes love. The pink balances out the sexual connotations of the red + nakedness of Katy, making her seem quite sweet - like the candy floss. The only other colour used is the blue sky, and blue usually is semantically linked with calmness and serenity and with the clouds the whole picture
Mise-en-scene - The only mise-en-scene we can see at first is the clouds used to cover up Katy's body and to interlink with this theme of candy. Looking closer we see how the font could become a part of the mise-en-scene as well.
Font: Looking at the bottom of the CD we can see that "Teenage Dream" has been written in a candy cane style font. Looking at Katy's name it, at first, appears to be written in swirly red lettering, but on closer inspection could easily be red strawberry laces. This writing used for her name has become a kind of symbol/signature of hers and tells her fans a lot about her personality - that she is sweet and flirty.
looks very dream-like and heavenly (fitting with the title "Teenage Dream")

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