Saturday 11 September 2010


The genre of music my band fits into is Indie Rock / Indie. Indie music originated in the UK and the USA in the late 1980's and is rooted to the earlier genres of alternative punk and new wave etc.
"Indie rock" is a term used to describe any artists working within a network of independant record labels and underground music venues that emerged in the States in the late 80's early 90's.
Many subgenres derive from and overlap with indie rock such as Math Rock, Indie Pop, Riot Grrrl, Twee Pop, Emo, Indie Folk, Lo-Fi, Baroque Pop, Shoegazing, Garage Punk, Drem Pop, New Prog, Dance-Punk etc.

Popular British Indie bands of the 1980s were bands such as The Smiths, Happy Mondays, The Stone Roses and the Cure. The images of these bands was very rugged and appealed to a wide teenage market
Big indie names today are Vampire Weekend, MGMT, LCD Soundsystem and Interpol. Not much has changed in the past couple of years, as teens still love the sound of Indie music but the variation in sounds is actually pretty different - especially with newer technology being developed and more electric sounds being produced (keyboards etc).

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