Wednesday 22 September 2010

CD Sleeve Analysis 2

Genre: Ellie Goulding is a very alternative style of music with her earthy sounds mixed with Pop-py, techno, dance-y backing tracks.
Generic Conventions: Her alternative music is reflected in the way she represents herself, even on this cover we see the originality of her personality with the use of the lights in her hair. This converys to people that she is quite a bright and sparkly personality. The main focus is her face and the way she is presented makes us think she is pretty - maybe even magical
Connotations: Clothing -The black top she is wearing fades into the background, the image is mainly a headshot and this is because she is the artist and the image makes us focus our attention on Ellie's face and the bright lights in her hair.
Colour - The colours used are bold, yellow lights against black, stands out. Yellow is a very bright and happy colour which contrasts against the connotations of black which is quite a dark and morbid colour. Maybe this suggests Ellie has a darker/more serious side to her personality behind the happy and sparkly front she puts on for the audience.
Mise-en-scene - The only mise-en-scene shown is the lights. Lights semantically link/remind us of stars, lights around a celebrities dressing room mirror etc. All things we can link with fame and being "a star". Therefore we are given the impression that Ellie - even though she is quite a new and up and coming artist - is already as star in the making.
Font: The font is very glowing and golden which is not only eyecatching but also looks very "cool" almost like light-up signs you see in new york or on the west end. This interlinks with the idea that she is a star and also defines her as an artist to look out for because she has big potential.

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